It's interesting how writing has seemed to always be a part of my life yet somehow I've never made a habit of doing it. My mother is an author (a successful one at that!), and I have always been skilled in English classes throughout high school and college. My soon-to-be-wife is also a blogger and an excellent writer. But the habit of writing has never come natural to me. I also don't usually do New Year's resolutions since I fail more often than not. However, over the last few days I've been reflecting more and more on what God's done this year, and what He has in store for the next. He gave me an idea, a desire to do something new. Here's how it all came together.
A few months ago I was introduced to The Art of Manliness, which is a blog all about - as you could guess - manliness. The topics range in diversity from a man's life, dress and grooming, health and sports, money and career, and family and relationships. Since then I've become intrigued by the idea of manliness especially because I'm about to be married and starting my own life with my beautiful bride. Additionally, I started reading 7 Men by Eric Metaxas, which gives brief biographies of 7 different men who lived extraordinary lives. Metaxas speaks as to how these men were successful, and what was unique about their lives. The overarching theme is that these men lived sacrificially - they used their God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of others. Metaxas also speaks about the need for men to have role models to look to and emulate, which is lacking in our day and age.
We live in a world where authority is questioned; where we establish our own authority and as a result we look up to whomever we want. In my own experience, I grew up loving hip-hop music, and I looked up to "men" in the rap game. My role models were guys like Eminem, 2pac, and The Notorious B.I.G. A quick Google search of these guys and their lyrics will reveal that they are not the type of men young boys should be looking to model. They promote a self-absorbed, do-what-you-want, whatever-makes-you-feel-good type of life. I did this for a while and found that it was completely empty, devoid of joy and love and happiness. I was not satisfied. As God has moved in my life, I have found my soul-satisfaction in Him, and I want to emulate the life Jesus lived because He is the man's man!
And so as I enter 2015, it is my resolution to study manhood. Not the manhood that our society promotes, but a biblical idea of manhood. Jesus is of course the ultimate example of what it is to be a man. He was wise, tenderhearted, kind, loving, loyal, firm, and strong - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Most of all, He lived His life for God and His Kingdom. There are numerous men in history who sought the same thing, whom God used for His greater purpose. And I strongly desire the same in my life. That doesn't mean I have to go down in history for my life to matter, but that in my life I use the gifts and talents God gave me to give Him glory, and be a light to others.
In sum, I am going to read and study the lives of four men this year. I am going to study their lifestyles and values in the hopes of learning how I can be a better man. For my wife, future family, and friends around me. During the process I will share my thoughts and what I'm learning here on this blog, and for those reading this, extend grace to me as this is my first blog ever! I will be studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer, William Wilberforce, C.S. Lewis, and either Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln (maybe both!). As humans, we are made in God's image, and it is my hope that I will reflect that more and more as He grows me, and that this could maybe be a blessing for others. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a blessed new year.